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About Carpet Salespeople
Don't Blindly Trust Advice From Carpet Salespeople!There are lots of helpful and knowledgeable Carpet and Flooring Salespeople who are happy to take the time help you make wise and informed Carpet Buying choices! However, there are also many salespeople who are NOT experienced or knowledgeable enough to provide you with sound advice.
Most Carpet Salespeople Are Paid On CommissionThis means they make their paycheck is based on the amount of sales they make during their pay period. No sales means no pay. Some salespeople are so desperate to make a sale that they might say or do whatever it takes to close the sale.
Inexperienced salespeople are often reluctant to show customers higher quality products because they don't want the customer to be scared off by the price. Inexperienced or unassertive salespeople tend to show lower priced products to help make the customer more comfortable and increase the chance of making a sale.
A problem arises when the customer really needs to purchase a higher quality product to meet their needs, goals and expectations but is not offered the higher priced products. After the sale, the customer is initially happy with the lower price paid but ends up unhappy months later when the lower quality product fails to meet their needs and goals.
Here is a snippet of a Help-Wanted Ad posted online for a Carpet Salesperson:
Is this who you want carpet advice from? A used car or insurance salesperson who failed in their previous sales job? Just because they work for a carpet store or shop-at-home retailer, doesn't automatically mean they are qualified to advise you.
This is a common type of help wanted ad used by the big box retailers, nationally advertised shop-at-home retailers and many other large carpet selling conglomerates. Sadly, many salespeople are hired because they are good at closing the sale, not because they are knowledgeable or experienced with the products they sell.
Drawing the line between a successful salesperson and an overly aggressive one can be difficult. Although they may make more sales, it is unlikely that they are creating satisfied customers. In these cases, consumers may struggle to find the flooring product that meets their needs - leaving customers feeling unsatisfied and potentially costing the salesperson future business.
For a successful outcome, the salesperson and customer should both be satisfied. A successful salesperson knows how to strike the right balance between being informative and friendly while also having a clear understanding of their customer's needs. Ultimately, buying flooring is a major purchase and one that customers should ideally be completely happy with.
Homeowners who have not done sufficient product research, or those who blindly follow the advice of salespeople, may end up with a product that fails to meet their goals and expectations. To avoid this unfortunate outcome, it is important to thoroughly research products before purchase and be wary of suggestions from salespeople.
Beware of any salesperson who...
My advice about salespeople?
Don't automatically assume the salesperson you talk to really cares if you make wise or informed choices. You might just look like a tasty morsel to the big bad wolf! Some salespeople are really slick, smooth talking and convincing too!
However, it is important that you verify any verbal information or advice provided by the salesperson. Get any promises, minute details, warranties or verbal commitments "in writing" and fully explained, itemized and documented within the sales contract.
What sly salespeople really care about is "Closing the Sale" and making as much profit from your purchase as possible. This advice is not just smart when buying new carpet or flooring, but in any situation where you need to make a purchase of significant cost, commitment or investment. Never allow any salesperson to make choices for you!
Can salespeople be held responsible for giving you bad advice? You are responsible for your carpet and padding selection no matter what the salesperson may have told you or what products they may have recommended.
If you agree to buy a certain type, style or grade of carpet... even if the salesperson tells you it would be the best choice for you... You are still solely responsible for the choices you make and the future outcome. You cannot go back and blame the salesperson for giving you BAD or wrong advice.
To avoid this common consumer mistake, take time to learn as much about carpet and padding as you can - before you make any final carpet choices!
Get several bids or estimates and compare them side by side. My website has dozens of useful pages and information to help you make wise and informed carpet choices. I suggest you verify all the facts and make your choices based on more than just the advice of any one carpet salesperson.
There are plenty of honest, experienced, knowledgeable, hardworking and trustworthy carpet salespeople in this world, but there are also lots of pushy, obnoxious, annoying and unscrupulous salespeople out there too.
My goal is to help you make wise and informed carpet buying choices. That's why I created this website. If you encounter a salesperson that doesn't treat you right, you would be wise to shop elsewhere. Check out my hand-picked list of locally-owned flooring dealers, maybe I've already located a reputable carpet store near you. Learn more: |
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