How To Choose New Flooring Like A Pro!
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Free Carpet Shopping FormsIncluding: Guides, Charts and Checklists!
1. Discount Carpet CouponGet up to $100 Off New Carpet at Participating Carpet Stores
Click on image to download, print or view.
Download or Print. Present coupon to your local carpet dealer.Notice: It is up to each carpet dealer to decide if they wish to honor this coupon. Some dealers have their own coupon offering. This coupon has no cash value and there is no guarantee it will be honored at the carpet dealer you choose to buy from. Minimum 40-yard new carpet purchase required, including padding and installation.. Discount is for 10% off new carpet only, up to $100.
2. Carpet Shopping Form
How to Compare Carpet? Use my Carpet Shopping Form to streamline your decision-making process. This form simplifies the gathering of carpet specifics, enabling you to easily compare various carpet samples side-by-side until the one most capable of meeting your needs and goals becomes obvious. (Print Several Copies)
Click on image to print or view. (Don't forget to take my free Carpet Foot-Traffic Test)
My Room Yardage Table
To make calculating your yardage easier I have created a room yardage table. Find the corresponding room width and length (in feet), and follow the proper column and rows till you line up your room measurements and discover the square yardage. Always round-up your room measurements to the nearest foot. Rooms must be considered at least 12 feet wide or you will not have enough material to complete the installation. This chart is only for approximation so you can get a basic idea of how much carpet you are going to need.
Your Room:
(Be sure to measure the absolute widest length and width, all the way into closets and through doorways.)
3. Room Yardage Chart
Double check your math! Figure out your Room Yardage by cross referencing your room width and room length.
Click on image to print or view.
to Measure Stairs
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